Meet Thiago Moreas

Meet Thiago Moreas

Thiago Moreas is both an entrepreneur and an equine veterinarian. His startup, Galloper, is an on-demand marketplace for horse transportation.
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Meet Andrew Jay Bart

Meet Andrew Jay Bart

Andrew Jay Bart, as he puts it, “wears a lot of hats” with a variety of different technology businesses.....
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Meet Eric Diaz

Meet Eric Diaz

Eric Diaz is the CFO for OYE! Business Intelligence, a software platform that provides business insights to Fortune 500 companies, federal government organizations,.....
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Meet Zach Ferres

Meet Zach Ferres

Growing up, I was a serious computer nerd. I was taking computers apart and putting them back together in 4th grade.
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Meet Chris Gruler

Meet Chris Gruler

Chris Gruler is the CEO of Protégé Branding, an online storytelling and branding company that assists online creatives, design, online advertising, and website development.
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Meet Peter Helms

Meet Peter Helms

Peter Helms is the founder and CEO of ZipSit, an app that helps parents find babysitters and manage childcare services....
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Meet Karen Katzorke

Meet Karen Katzorke

Karen Katzorke is Executive Director of Invest Southwest, a local nonprofit that has helped raise over $300 million for startups over the past two and a half decades....
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Meet Jamar Johnson

Meet Jamar Johnson

amar Johnson is founder of CBL (Community Basketball League), the first basketball league with a built-in income-generating...
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