Explore the Coolest 3D Printing Resources in Arizona

Explore the Coolest 3D Printing Resources in Arizona

Discover the top 3D printing resources in Arizona, from innovative makerspaces to cutting-edge tech hubs. Find out where to bring your ideas to life today!
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Hooch cocktail app expands to Arizona with acquisition of Tipsy

Hooch cocktail app expands to Arizona with acquisition of Tipsy

America’s favorite members-only cocktail app expanded to Phoenix and Tucson this Wednesday with the acquisition of Tipsy, a similar Arizona-based application.
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Wired Investors Acquires Phoenix-based $99 Social

Wired Investors Acquires Phoenix-based $99 Social

Phoenix’s $99 Social is a local Arizona born and raised business, offering daily.......
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CO+HOOTS Hosts Second Annual Phoenix Smart City Hack Ideathon

CO+HOOTS Hosts Second Annual Phoenix Smart City Hack Ideathon

Ever dreamed of turning trash into energy? What about a translucent .......
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8 Essential Apps and Gadgets for New AZ Parents

8 Essential Apps and Gadgets for New AZ Parents

Car seat? Check. Blankets? Check. A virtual scrapbook app and a pacifier......
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Scottsdale-based ReplyBuy Signs Contract with Arizona Rattlers, Phoenix Suns

Scottsdale-based ReplyBuy Signs Contract with Arizona Rattlers, Phoenix Suns

Were your plans for the weekend cancelled last-minute? Are you out of fun date ideas? Do you just really love basketball or football?
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Master Facebook Ads with Jon Loomer’s exclusive class

Master Facebook Ads with Jon Loomer’s exclusive class

In 2015, there were 40 million small business pages on Facebook. With all that competition, how do you know your page’s posts aren’t falling on deaf ears?
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5 Awesome Medical Tech Startups from Arizona

5 Awesome Medical Tech Startups from Arizona

With two of the best nursing schools in the southwest, it’s no surprise Arizona is home to several medical tech ....
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