Lesbians Who Tech is an inclusive and non-conforming community for queer women who are in or around the tech space. This group is open to the allies that support these women and is a safe space to be more visible to others and to get more women, queer or not, in the technology community. Lesbians Who Tech is the most substantial LGBTQ network of technologist in the world. They serve over 25,000 women and their allies across the globe.

This organization also enables the connection between these women and other companies in the area as a way to raise awareness and show the LGBTQ community that there are other organizations out there that are fighting for their rights of inclusion.

Leanne Pittsford, the CEO and founder of Lesbians Who Tech has integrated many great things into this organization to benefit the queer community. She has launched tech summits around the world, a coding scholarship for queer women, and “Bring a Lesbian to Work Day”– a one-day career shadowing program.

Lesbians Who Tech has numerous chapters across the country, including Phoenix. The next event in the Valley takes place on Thursday, December 14th. This meetup is for queer women and the people who support them to talk about all things tech and how the community is growing and changing. It is a chance for the city to get together and further promote equality and inclusion in the tech space. Be part of the solution and see what this great organization is all about!

When: Thursday, December 14th | 6:00 pm- 10:00 pm

Cost: Free


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