Where will tech geniuses flock together this fall? The Phoenix Mobile Festival, a fourth annual event featuring over a hundred tech brands and devices.

The Phoenix Mobile Festival gives developers, computer scientists, entrepreneurs, innovators, and hobbyists a place to discuss (and show off) their favorite ideas and devices. The Internet of things (IoT), iOS, Android, tech wearables, virtual reality, and mobile web are just a few topics the event will cover.

The festival will occur at Grand Canyon University on September 24 from 8 AM to 5 PM. Attendees will have the opportunity to snack on light refreshments and network with one another before and throughout the event. Keynotes and breakout sessions will be covered by leading industry professionals—some of whom may even be hiring!

While specific details on this year’s Phoenix Mobile Festival haven’t yet been released, we can rest assured that they’ll be great ones. IrisPR co-founder and CTO Anila Arthanari led and spoke at the 2015 Phoenix Mobile Festival, along with former Google engineer and PayJoy founder Doug Ricket. Other past keynoters have included Gabriel Mann from iFactor, Crystal Taggart from FacilitySource, Anjali Nennelli of Trill, and many others.

The Phoenix Mobile Festival is a free event, so register now before spots run out!


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