Full Name:  Diana Vowels

What part of Arizona do you call home?


What do you do?

General Manager for Galvanize Phoenix

How did you get started in the industry? What sparked an initial interest?

My career has spanned 3 industries:  Media, Healthcare and Tech.   I worked in a large corporate environment for many years, followed by small business ownership/entrepreneurship.  I love the energy and creativity that surrounds me every day at Galvanize.  I get to help companies grow and scale, help students learn and be a connector to connect people with resources they need.  That inspires me.

How long have you lived or worked in Arizona? (If it’s been several years, what have you noticed about the growth of the tech industry here?)

12 years in Arizona.  I’ve been impressed with the tech growth in the last 3-4 years, especially downtown.   It’s nice to see large tech companies looking at the Phoenix area as more than just a place for call centers and back office work; they increasingly added tech positions in AZ, positioning this community to be a real tech hub.

If you could only describe your city with one word, which word would it be?


What’s your favorite thing about living in Arizona?

That outsiders are welcome, anyone can be successful here, regardless of your education or family name.   It’s refreshing.

What’s your least favorite thing about living in Arizona? (Aside from the heat.)

Transportation challenges

What’s your favorite Breakfast spot?

Perk – 64th & Greenway

What’s your favorite Lunch spot?

Bowl o Greens

What’s your favorite dinner spot?

When not on a budget:   Binkleys

What’s your favorite part of being a part of the Galvanize family?

That it’s my job to connect people who can get stuff done. I get to listen to entrepreneurs and students’ challenges and help connect them to people and resources who can help them.  It’s rewarding.

Best place for a meeting over drinks?

Bitter and Twisted.  Although the menu confuses me every time, it’s about 47 pages long. Just go for the Lime in da Coconut drink.

What is something about living in Arizona that only a local would know of? (Or what is a common misconception about living in AZ?)

That it only takes 2 hours to get to pinetop mountains, 7500 ft elevation, 35 degrees cooler than the desert with beautiful lakes.  Woods Canyon Lake is my getaway.

Any tips for new Arizona residents?

Explore all of the area you can.  Hiking, mountains, cool places like Bisbee, Grand Canyon, etc.  Get out and see it all.

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