Jennifer Sultzaberger is the CEO and founder of #vidit, a video marketing and branding company delivering conversions for clients at a reduced cost per lead.
What was your very first entrepreneurial venture?
Find It Media, LLC in Harrisburg, PA. It was a small boutique agency advocating for the the client via pay per click (PPC) and organic SEO services.
What is your favorite part about running a business?
Challenging myself to find new ways to succeed. I was always a top performer in “corporate America,” however I find this challenge is far more rewarding.
What part of Arizona do you call home?
Maricopa, the town not the county. 48,000 in population.
How did you come up with the idea for #vidit?
From my deep knowledge and years of experience in PPC, organic SEO placemen and on-page SEO.
What was the biggest challenge in executing this idea?
Finding the right people who share the vision and passion I have that truly get what we can do for our clients.
How did you get started in the tech industry?
I started in tech at Pitney Bowes where I sold connectable copiers and fax machines to large corporations like Rite Aid, Pepsi, AMP, Tyco, and Accu Weather.
What did you study in school, if you attended?
School of Hard Knocks! I do not have a college degree. My knowledge is self-learned and my training is from some of the best companies in the world where I was fortunate enough to work and learn best-in-class business processes and practices.
What sparked an initial interest in tech?
While I did find technology very interesting, it wasn’t necessarily “tech.” For me, it was the money in tech. Being a single mother for 8 years, I was definitely motivated by money. I was great at sales, and tech seemed to have the biggest payout. This coupled with my self-motivation to be the best role model I could be for my son allowed me to provide a decent life for both of us.
How long have you lived or worked in Arizona?
I moved here in July of 2012 so needless to say I have just settled in. The tech industry here is very much diversified and growing.
If you could only describe your city with one word, which word would it be?
Beautiful! The Sonoran desert is the most beautiful and diverse in the world.
What’s your favorite thing about living in Arizona?
I play golf a lot more often.
What’s your least favorite thing about living in Arizona?
The seasons are too fast and sometimes minimal.
In what area do you think Arizona still has a long way to go?
I think Arizona still needs to be more diversified and accepting to all types of society, and potentially less judgmental.
The foodie scene is growing bigger and bigger by the day here in Arizona. What is your favorite place to get breakfast in your city?
Breakfast is usually on-the-go for me but when I take the time it is The Duke Golf Course.
What’s your favorite place to grab lunch?
Definitely Pita Jungle. Their Mediterranean chicken salad and vegan chili are my favorites.
What’s your favorite dinner spot?
It was Seersuckers, in Scottsdale. I’ve followed Brain Malarkey’s rise of success and always eat at his spots in San Diego when I visit. I’m also a huge fan of the many Fox Restaurant Concepts.
What’s your favorite place to work in your city aside from your office?
My favorite is definitely Honeycutt Coffee here in Maricopa. They are always kind and consistent.
Best place for a meeting over drinks?
The Arizona Biltmore Hotel. Absolutely stunning.
What is your favorite memory from Arizona?
Definitely the sunrises & sunsets. They are like no other place in the world. Plus it’s the first place I’ve lived where I can drive with the convertible down in all seasons!
What is something about living in Arizona that only a local would know of?
The tremendous effort behind making Arizona one of the great cities to live and work in.
Any tips for new Arizona residents?
Today is the best day of your life and tomorrow will be even better – Dale Carnegie